Ken Layne: Labor Day Is a Scam To Keep You Poor and Miserable Forever

Labor Day Is a Scam To Keep You Poor and Miserable Forever
Ken Layne, Gawker, August 30, 2015

Labor Day is a complete rip-off. Labor isn’t celebrated at all—instead, a single day’s break from labor is celebrated. You might think this is a stupid thing to care about, because Labor Day is really just about getting drunk in your yard, again. But that’s actually evidence of this very successful con job pulled on you, the American worker (or unemployed person, or discouraged worker, or “grad student”). You probably don’t even believe in Labor Day.

America, as you’ve surely been told, is a very special country. One example of the superiority of the United States is that it managed to deport the global workers holiday called May Day. This was especially skillful because May Day began not in Russia or Finland or Middle Earth, but in Chicago, a major American city built specifically to exploit the labor of poor immigrants.

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